Meme sites are stealing constantly from each other. 🔫 Always have been.
The Left can’t meme so they steal. The Left can’t Govern so they censor and cancel. You know, like “These people hold unacceptable views and are expressing them”. – Socks Trudeau. How dare you express your views! Reeeeee.
The left can’t meme? I can’t share that observation. I still haven’t seen any good right meme. The funny ones are all made by leftists. Prove me wrong.
Only because the Left steals and lies claiming they created them. Prove yourself right. But as usual, you won’t.
Wow, how old are you? 4?
Kind of scraping the bottle of the barrel…
So you mean, like Trump and his goons deliberately botching the initial response to the COVID pandemic as they calculated it would only hurt Blue States and result in political advantage to Team Fascism? The ultimate cost being a million dead Americans, mostly conservative goobers because of your weirdo vaxx/mask superstitions, and growing by three thousand a day!
Yeah, the Left does that every week and twice on Mondays.
Prove me wrong.
The left invented the meme. The conservative is unable to produce creative, new ideas. It’s in the name.
Meme sites are stealing constantly from each other. 🔫 Always have been.
The Left can’t meme so they steal. The Left can’t Govern so they censor and cancel. You know, like “These people hold unacceptable views and are expressing them”. – Socks Trudeau. How dare you express your views! Reeeeee.
The left can’t meme? I can’t share that observation. I still haven’t seen any good right meme. The funny ones are all made by leftists. Prove me wrong.
Only because the Left steals and lies claiming they created them. Prove yourself right. But as usual, you won’t.
Wow, how old are you? 4?
Kind of scraping the bottle of the barrel…
So you mean, like Trump and his goons deliberately botching the initial response to the COVID pandemic as they calculated it would only hurt Blue States and result in political advantage to Team Fascism? The ultimate cost being a million dead Americans, mostly conservative goobers because of your weirdo vaxx/mask superstitions, and growing by three thousand a day!
Yeah, the Left does that every week and twice on Mondays.
Prove me wrong.
The left invented the meme. The conservative is unable to produce creative, new ideas. It’s in the name.