Corgis Are Basically The Kirbys of The Dog World

Isn't it fascinating how crossing a Corgi with any other dog breed results in what is basically a Corgi in disguise as the other breed?

10 thoughts on “Corgis Are Basically The Kirbys of The Dog World”

  1. Serious question for those like me who are vaccinated. How many jabs are you willing to take? As I understand it they are hinting that one or two a year will be required perhaps forever. So at what point will you say enough, no more? Asking on Reddit, 4chan, facebook etc.. really want to know.

  2. As many as it takes to keep myself and the people around me safe.

  3. Til I look like Pinhead from all the needles.

  4. I’ve had 2. No more.

  5. there’s a vaccine against corgi? sign me up

  6. Seriously stupid question more like.
    Pensioners get a flu jab every year without whingeing like all the weak minded snowflakes.

  7. Proud boys afraid of needles.

  8. Are the Proud Boys a gay pride association of some type?

  9. They are supposed to be pulled out after the shot. Also you get vaccinated into your arm, not your head. There is no vaccine against stupidity yet. Yet.

  10. On the contrary. It’s a militia of heavily armed incels. They don’t like women and they don’t like men. They don’t like women because women reject them. And they don’t like (real) men because they get the women. The only man they like is Donald Trump. He is like an icon for them. Because he grabs women by the pu**y. You need money to pay them off later so they don’t press charges. Proud boys are usualy unemployed. No money – no pu**y. They hoped if they overthrow the government on January 6th Trump would legalize human trafficking so they could legaly buy female slaves. Trump is well connected in that circles.

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