As part of a major rebrand, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that his company is changing its name to Meta. The internet immediately started to do what it does best: creating funny memes. Scroll down to see some of the best reactions from Twitter users!
I’ve never had a Facebook account. Won’t have a Meta account. Suck this, Berg.
You can polish a turd yet it still remains a turd.
Why is everyone mad at Zuck/Cuck and not at the people ON the platform. They are the ones responsible.
»A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals.« That Zucker gave them groups and a platform. People like him destroy societies out of personal greed.
Seen that on Mythbusters.
Because Facebook filters out everything not to the left of Karl Marx
I love the Men in Black quote!
Waaah, commusnism! *foamaroundthemoth* Socialists media! Stop the steal! MAGA! I hug you Mister President Trump. *0rgasm* Where is my purse?
Men in Black was one of the best movies ever. 2 was okay. 3 👎