Twitter Users React To Facebook Changing Its Name To Meta

As part of a major rebrand, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that his company is changing its name to Meta. The internet immediately started to do what it does best: creating funny memes. Scroll down to see some of the best reactions from Twitter users!

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

Twitter user reaction to Facebook changing the name to Meta.

9 thoughts on “Twitter Users React To Facebook Changing Its Name To Meta”

  1. I’ve never had a Facebook account. Won’t have a Meta account. Suck this, Berg.

  2. You can polish a turd yet it still remains a turd.

  3. Why is everyone mad at Zuck/Cuck and not at the people ON the platform. They are the ones responsible.

  4. »A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals.« That Zucker gave them groups and a platform. People like him destroy societies out of personal greed.

  5. Seen that on Mythbusters.

  6. Because Facebook filters out everything not to the left of Karl Marx

  7. I love the Men in Black quote!

  8. Waaah, commusnism! *foamaroundthemoth* Socialists media! Stop the steal! MAGA! I hug you Mister President Trump. *0rgasm* Where is my purse?

  9. Men in Black was one of the best movies ever. 2 was okay. 3 👎


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