Man Falls Asleep On a Roadtrip, Wife Asks People To Photoshop What He Missed While Sleeping

Sharea Overman recently went on a road trip with her husband. He had fallen asleep in the car, so she playfully asked people to photoshop some scenes into the background so she could tell him what he missed…

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

When sleeping husband meets photoshopping...

23 thoughts on “Man Falls Asleep On a Roadtrip, Wife Asks People To Photoshop What He Missed While Sleeping”

  1. Yikes! The roads out the window do not look like right hand drive oriented so he’s sleeping at the wheel on auto-pilot?

  2. uhm, there countries with the stearing wheel on the other side ;)
    but this is great… enjoyed it :D

  3. @ Anonymous – maybe he’s in the back seat?

  4. Not everyone drives on the right hand side of the road, Dumbo!

  5. Only left-hand drive vehicles, and the mailman.

  6. That’s one big lardass of a husbang you got there.

  7. Mirror image the photo.
    Ah-h-h-h. All is right with the world again.

  8. #17 The Kiss of Death

  9. Should she take photos while driving? In some countries that photo would start an investigation.

  10. British car on mainland?

  11. I for one haven’t seen a car with a sun visor in the back seat.

  12. In some countries setting up a time to meet and carry a sign will get the cops to come to your door and take you away.

  13. Could be that she stopped to take it. Or maybe it was at a red light (still not legal, but not dangerous either). And it’s probably a country that doesn’t convict people based on a single photograph of a dubious origin.

  14. There is not enough visible to say for sure. Could be autopilot. Could be a country that drives on a different side than their car is made for (they’re travelling after all). Could be a one-way road. Or something else yet.

  15. @Victoria Bob In others you go to prison for a bad hotel review.

    @Vilx- Stopping in the middle of the highway? Bam, next report. :-D

  16. In some you get arrested and abducted in unmarked black vans for protesting against racism. Means USA btw.

  17. No, mirror imaging doesn’t work! Now he has his wedding ring on his right hand! noooooooo

  18. What a disgusting thing to say!

  19. Nice

  20. First picture shows a concrete divider with another car travelling in opposite direction.
    Distance from divider suggests they are on the farthest (slowest) lane.
    Sharpness of the picture suggests car was moving at time of picture.
    Height of the picture suggests they were on ground-level.
    Wedding bands are usually worn on the left hand so picture is probably not mirrored.
    Sharea Overman is en English sounding name, so likely British, American or Australian.
    South Africa or Jamaican also possible.
    The costs of transporting a car overseas would be prohibitive for most but British tourists.
    Educated guesses : either Brits on mainland, or South Africans on a long trip, wealthy tourists overseas or the guy is not sleeping at all and actually driving himself.
    My vote : last option most likely.

  21. Brilliant

  22. There should have been only one photoshop: insuline & dietary program. Those are the only two things his missing right now.

  23. To add a bit to the confusion: maybe she married a foreigner who holds fast to his native country’s tradition and he is from one of these countries?
    Germany, Austria, Poland, Bulgaria, Norway, and Russia – the wedding band goes on the right hand.

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