Tiny Monsters: Terrifyingly Funny Creatures Under a Microscope

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there’s also a microscopic world around us…

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

We are used to seeing big animals and things around us, but there's also a microscopic world around us...

24 thoughts on “Tiny Monsters: Terrifyingly Funny Creatures Under a Microscope”

  1. Why all the photos of trump?

  2. That’s a bit of an insult for an ant’s butthole.

  3. Damn you for beating me to it

  4. Effendi, that was seek&destroy commando style. Impressive.

  5. Why all the photos of Biden?

  6. The green tardigrade looks cute.

  7. Antifa mug shots

  8. Where’d you get a picture of my aunt’s butthole?

  9. Trump? Those were just released photos of what what organisms are currently breaking down Ruth Bader Ginsburg corpse.

  10. So, Trump is a maggot.

  11. Trump had to wait too long for that. Her seat is free now. Now we can take back our America. He should nominate someone immediately.

  12. The GOP decided in 2016 that the people should have a vote first.

  13. Only when the “dems” are in power. That shows how rotten and immoral the republican party is. This is America’s core if you vote Trump again. And the whole world knows it.

  14. GOP are afraid a pro-abotion judge might get in charge but are ok with immigrant women getting mutilated by ICE removing their uterus. – Nazi Germany did that too. It’s called eugenics.

  15. So the ICE uterus removal allegation has been confirmed? And the reason for their removal was eugenics? Oddly the news are ominously silent about it. Almost like it didn’t happen like you describe it. Honk honk.

  16. “That shows how rotten and immoral the republican party is.”

    In -16 republicans called for the nomination of a federal judge to wait until inauguration of the new president had been done. Obama nonetheless decided to nominate Merrick Garland. How does your own medicine taste? “RotTeN aNd ImmOrAL”.

  17. That inauguration was nearly a year away…

  18. March of -16. 8 months. Democrats saw a play, and they took it. Same with changing the votes from 60 to 51. Everything is working out really well for them now /s.

  19. All we hope is you wipe each other out inside your borders and leave the rest of us alone. Your nutters are already preparing to shoot everything up if Trump loses the election. Watch “Is Civil War Coming To America?” on Youtube.

  20. They talk of democracy but vote for an autocrate. They talk of the beast but worship the gun. The gun is the beast. American church is the church of the beast.

  21. You were sleeping little Timmy and things happened.

  22. @snap, you are blaming Obama for not giving in to a thief. And the 60 to 51 change for the SCOTUS was introduced by the GOP.

  23. Another bad fail. Oh snap is heading right down the rightard road.

  24. Can’t possibly leave the science free from political commentary?

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