probably the absolute worst meme I’ve ever seen, moron democrats think hurting the billionaire’s and corporations will help them somehow, you must forget who employs the majority of the country. Whoever posted this, you’re an idiot.
I always have a good laugh when an American calls someone else an idiot. You lot elected Trump!
And whomever you are and wherever you’re from, I’m sure is in a lot better shape. Actually I think not, nobody probably gives a shit about your countries opinions on an issue, yet everything America does influences the world. Trump wasn’t an idiot til he became president and has dirt on all the left wing scum, weird how that works. The man is far from perfect, but I’ll take him over your socialist, everyone is entitled to this, that and the other, dumb shit programs that don’t work.
A study has shown that Americans are the dumbest nation on the planet. It was an American study.
• America influences the world because it threatens everyone with weapons. Same as Russia and China. Otherwise the world would build a wall around the states.
• He always was considered a bad, superficial person. His campaign was primitive, aiming on the most primitive voters. He tried to get dirt on the other candidate by blackmail from foreign governments and failed. His presidency revealed how dumb and incompetent he is. And what kind of miserable character he has.
• He is not “far from perfect”, he is a pathological narcissist and sex offender. And he brags about it. He tells you 3 things and 2½ are lies. He steals tax payer money and transfers it to his family.
• You have no socialists in America. Your democrats are no socialist, far from it. They are far right in global scale. So stop whining about taxes.
First, your countries can’t afford to build a wall around the States even if we let you.
Second, are you saying that Killary Clinton ran a better campaign? You know she lost right? Now say she won the popular vote, which is as meaningless as a dog fart.
And finally, have you learned nothing about Americans? Try to let this sink in, we don’t care what ANY other country’s think. We’re busy . Now put on some tea and see if you can save your damp little country from the people you’ll soon be ruled by. Oooooo and say Islam is a religion of peace. We need the chuckles.
I know you don’t want to hear it and you can’t understand it when you read it. Your voting system is an anachronism. And it’s not democratic. Your votes are meaningless, no matter what candidate you vote for. The winner is the one who can buy the most members of the electoral college. No modern democracy would tolerate such a system. So, yes, your vote is a dogfart.
It’s one of the first thing everyone learns about Americans. Uneducated, arrogant and bragging about it. Your post is proof enough. You are busy indeed. Yet all you do is running in circles.
Not the right time for tea. And I’m not British. Your hateful comment seems to imply that. There are other countries on the globe. But you would be able to read a map to find them. Sometimes damp, sometimes sunny. It’s called weather. The country always has been ruled by it’s people and it will continue to be so. And it wasn’t stolen from the original inhabitants, like your little penal colony. You still belong in cages like rabid dogs.
Islam is as violent as any other religion. All of them are an excuse for violence and murder. After christianity raged in the middleages islam seems to have his thing going right now. You are the same as those terrorists. You just hurt people by words and support to a criminal administration.
Let’s hope for your country’s sake those with brains and manners will take over soon.
If our votes are meaningless as you said, how are those with “brains and manners” going to take over? Are They going to buy most of the members of the electoral college? Soooo wouldn’t that make them just as bad? Or is that okay as long as they think like you do? Are you saying that British people aren’t arrogant? You Sir, are a waste of my time. And yes, we’re busy, busy protecting the flow of oil to Europe. Busy keeping China from your throat. Busy keeping islamists from blowing up or shooting more people, you know, grown up stuff. Now go rape someone. Its pretty much legal there as long as your a ranadan worshipper. Have a good life.
I do love how these foreigners, who have no where near the worldwide influence of America have it all figured out, yet I bet the same pile of shit countries are only still functioning because America takes it upon itself to take care of the world, cut all these piles of shit off and I bet they fail miserably.
I could get get behind that.
As a Canadian I support the U.S. That is what friends do. They are generous with
financial support helping less advantaged countries. You don’t see Russia pouring
money and goods to help other countries in need. China will open their wallet to
“help” other countries, but at a horrible cost. NATO, the U.N would have collapsed
years ago if the U.S did not foot the bill. Europe prospered after WW2 thanks to
the U.S financially sponsored Marshall Program.
Stop criticizing the U.S and remember who is keeping your sorry asses safe.
probably the absolute worst meme I’ve ever seen, moron democrats think hurting the billionaire’s and corporations will help them somehow, you must forget who employs the majority of the country. Whoever posted this, you’re an idiot.
I always have a good laugh when an American calls someone else an idiot. You lot elected Trump!
And whomever you are and wherever you’re from, I’m sure is in a lot better shape. Actually I think not, nobody probably gives a shit about your countries opinions on an issue, yet everything America does influences the world. Trump wasn’t an idiot til he became president and has dirt on all the left wing scum, weird how that works. The man is far from perfect, but I’ll take him over your socialist, everyone is entitled to this, that and the other, dumb shit programs that don’t work.
A study has shown that Americans are the dumbest nation on the planet. It was an American study.
• America influences the world because it threatens everyone with weapons. Same as Russia and China. Otherwise the world would build a wall around the states.
• He always was considered a bad, superficial person. His campaign was primitive, aiming on the most primitive voters. He tried to get dirt on the other candidate by blackmail from foreign governments and failed. His presidency revealed how dumb and incompetent he is. And what kind of miserable character he has.
• He is not “far from perfect”, he is a pathological narcissist and sex offender. And he brags about it. He tells you 3 things and 2½ are lies. He steals tax payer money and transfers it to his family.
• You have no socialists in America. Your democrats are no socialist, far from it. They are far right in global scale. So stop whining about taxes.
First, your countries can’t afford to build a wall around the States even if we let you.
Second, are you saying that Killary Clinton ran a better campaign? You know she lost right? Now say she won the popular vote, which is as meaningless as a dog fart.
And finally, have you learned nothing about Americans? Try to let this sink in, we don’t care what ANY other country’s think. We’re busy . Now put on some tea and see if you can save your damp little country from the people you’ll soon be ruled by. Oooooo and say Islam is a religion of peace. We need the chuckles.
I know you don’t want to hear it and you can’t understand it when you read it. Your voting system is an anachronism. And it’s not democratic. Your votes are meaningless, no matter what candidate you vote for. The winner is the one who can buy the most members of the electoral college. No modern democracy would tolerate such a system. So, yes, your vote is a dogfart.
It’s one of the first thing everyone learns about Americans. Uneducated, arrogant and bragging about it. Your post is proof enough. You are busy indeed. Yet all you do is running in circles.
Not the right time for tea. And I’m not British. Your hateful comment seems to imply that. There are other countries on the globe. But you would be able to read a map to find them. Sometimes damp, sometimes sunny. It’s called weather. The country always has been ruled by it’s people and it will continue to be so. And it wasn’t stolen from the original inhabitants, like your little penal colony. You still belong in cages like rabid dogs.
Islam is as violent as any other religion. All of them are an excuse for violence and murder. After christianity raged in the middleages islam seems to have his thing going right now. You are the same as those terrorists. You just hurt people by words and support to a criminal administration.
Let’s hope for your country’s sake those with brains and manners will take over soon.
If our votes are meaningless as you said, how are those with “brains and manners” going to take over? Are They going to buy most of the members of the electoral college? Soooo wouldn’t that make them just as bad? Or is that okay as long as they think like you do? Are you saying that British people aren’t arrogant? You Sir, are a waste of my time. And yes, we’re busy, busy protecting the flow of oil to Europe. Busy keeping China from your throat. Busy keeping islamists from blowing up or shooting more people, you know, grown up stuff. Now go rape someone. Its pretty much legal there as long as your a ranadan worshipper. Have a good life.
I do love how these foreigners, who have no where near the worldwide influence of America have it all figured out, yet I bet the same pile of shit countries are only still functioning because America takes it upon itself to take care of the world, cut all these piles of shit off and I bet they fail miserably.
I could get get behind that.
As a Canadian I support the U.S. That is what friends do. They are generous with
financial support helping less advantaged countries. You don’t see Russia pouring
money and goods to help other countries in need. China will open their wallet to
“help” other countries, but at a horrible cost. NATO, the U.N would have collapsed
years ago if the U.S did not foot the bill. Europe prospered after WW2 thanks to
the U.S financially sponsored Marshall Program.
Stop criticizing the U.S and remember who is keeping your sorry asses safe.