Thumbs and Ammo is the site behind this funny idea. Why did they do it? Because real tough guys don’t need guns, they just need a positive, can-do attitude.
Thumbs and Ammo is the site behind this funny idea. Why did they do it? Because real tough guys don’t need guns, they just need a positive, can-do attitude.
This is what the people in the EU will look like trying to save their countries from whats coming.
What is coming to the EU?
Guns don’t work against Covid-19
at least it wasn’t walkie talkies…
Granted, if a horde of zombies is on the way, we’re screwed. But think how stupid you’ll feel shooting at a virus. Then again, you were stupid enough to leave the comment, so you’ll probably not notice any difference.
Go for a stroll through a no go zone. You’ve been occupied. You can go to jail for a Facebook post. You have let your own Gov set you up. You know it. You feel it. But like a toad in slowly warming water you just sit and let it happen. Empty handed fools.
Guns won’t help against an American invasion. They have nukes. Trump wants war.
The only no-go zones in my European country are military places, industrial complexes and that kind of stuff. I am happy with my government, especially when I compare it to the clowns currently running the USA. And about that toad, it is well-known among educated people that it will jump when the water gets too warm.
Yeah, I’m pretty occupied alright….. ya ever try home schooling two kids while trying to get your own work done? Pretty tiring. We go for strolls all the time, anywhere we want.
The government actually set us up when they said there was going to be no problem at all. Over 14,000 dead in america now (3x worse than 9-11) Didn’t go away the way Trump promised. #TrumpLiedPeopleDied
Trump told you it was going to go away with the warm weather. Only 15 people, no big deal. Now there’s 13,000 dead. The fools were the ones who listened to him.
It would be a he** of a lot more if we hadn’t been staying home.
Orange Man Bad! Orange Man Bad! You people are adorable. The world will miss you. But no worries. As you slip beneath the waves of your immigrants Western Civilization will continue to live on over in America.
Sure it will, when you gringos become part of us latinos
@Amy, thank you for your worries about us Europeans. But next time please check your sources, as your worries are unfounded. And good luck with your flu, good to hear that your great leader predicts it will be over by Easter.
Orange Man Bad! It never gets old. As a women i have to disagree with you. We’re not safe here anymore. We cant go out alone, or have our cultural festivities. We have had to change our dress, our make up etc… where are the men! No, its over here and you know it. Why do you lie about it? You see it.
You make fun of people with “Orange man bad” and “TDS” It’s almost like you folks don’t remember how insane ya’ll went when there was a black man in the white house. Fox news criticized him every single day, but now your leader says a free press is the enemy of the people and you actually go along with it. How very un-american of you.
Remember when Trump said he’d drain the swamp, and you actually believed him? You probably still believe him after all those felons he’s hired. You guys are hilarious.
Ya but Obama was the worst President in our history. Holds the world record for most children killed by a noble peace prize winner for sure. Name 1 thing he did? 1. Besides putting men in girls bathrooms. I know you liked that one.
Obama earned the Nobel prize for not being another warmongering republican, not for anything he actually did. As a president he was middle of the road. Isn’t he the one that introduced Obama care? The worst president ever, miles ahead of the competition, is Trump.
Wow… great postings… true gems of insight and wisdom.
So much ‘us and them’ going on, when really… 2 seconds before we die we will all realize… there never was an ‘us and them’.
We should probably spend our time laughing with each other and and loving each other. So when we’re old we
won’t regret pissing away all your precious time with things that didn’t matter.
And back on topic: really like your gallery, funny stuff.