A Cheap Way To Get Cheap Laughs: “For Rectal Use Only” Stickers

Did you know that you can get hundreds of “For Rectal Use Only” stickers for just a few dollars on Amazon, and some people are taking advantage of this tempting deal? Featured below are some of the funniest examples.

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

For rectal use only!

You can get hundreds of “For Rectal Use Only” stickers for just a few dollars on Amazon. Please note that this site is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

67 thoughts on “A Cheap Way To Get Cheap Laughs: “For Rectal Use Only” Stickers”

  1. The symbol looks like a 5 1/4 floppy disk, then I realized it was a MineCraft villager bum.

  2. They should hand those out instead of the usual “I voted!” stickers this year.

  3. Cool, we’re Amazon shilling even this?

  4. The one on the cat is disturbing..

  5. Cats are disturbing.

  6. Republican Bobs are easy to entertain. 🙄

  7. I tried the cheese grater, please don’t copy me!

  8. Today’s youth is obsessed with butt sex. It’s gross and you can get pinkeye. Stop it! Just stop it right now.

  9. Only the American youth. The rest of the world’s youth just uses condomes. Which are basicly banned in many conservative US states.

  10. No State in the US has or will ever ban condoms. You are ridiculous. This is why your candidate is losing so badly. Obvious lies that everyone knows are BS.

  11. What State bans condoms? We’ll wait.

  12. I’ll give you the list once I get the Bob lists I’m still waiting for. Idiots. 😂

  13. Since Bob is a symptom of your mental illness I guess these lists are as well. No US State bans condoms period. Get off the SSRI’s.

  14. These stickers are a great idea. How would the average American know it was ok to shove a cactus up their arse without them?

  15. Yes, Bob has mental illness. There, I fixed it for you, Bob.

  16. Ok

  17. Not ok. But he refuses to get help.

  18. Rectal vaccine. That would be a solution for all antivaxxers and Bob. They love to put things there.

  19. That would be a good one if everything the Me Love Vaxx Vaxx me Harder Daddy group weren’t proven wrong all the time lately. They have become what they hate the most. Flat Earther Bobs. Whatever a Bob is.

  20. Are you beginning to get confused by your own posts, Bob?

  21. No. But I think you are. Any post you dislike is from Bob. Is Bob in the room with us now pyco?

  22. Ok, Bob. If you say so. We all know you “all” are one person.

  23. That’s all they have now. Their obsession with The Cackling Knob Gobbler has faded as has her chances of being elected. Biden calling 250 million people in his own country garbage unless they support her tells voters all they needed to know. The Bobs on here make valid points and you lumping them into one basket is like Hillary and her basket of deplorable’s. She lost. And the Left is losing globally and all they can do is try to label people as Bob. Nobody even knows what that means anymore but you deranged F’ks. TDS. BDS and now EDS for Musk. Sad bunch of crazies clinging to threads. Oh and this is Obviously Bob right? Get some help.

  24. You are not Trump or Musk. You are just a poor loser doing their dirty work for free. Sad.

  25. He’s probably paid in rubles. Which is the same as doing it for free. 🤣🤣🤣

  26. Trump has called several billion people garbage. He even wants members of his own party shot.

  27. The difference is, when Trump insults people, he’s correct.
    Heck, I’d even say he’s shown an incredible amount of restraint in not calling Kamala “Hawk Tau Harris”. He probably ran it by his team and everyone corrected him and said she always swallows. Accuracy matters.

  28. When they release the video’s of her and her Democratic pals at the Diddy parties we’ll see if she really does swallow. It would be great to see these elite Lefties perp walked on the news. Sadly, Diddy will commit suicide in jail and it will all get swept under the carpet. Just like Epstein.

  29. Is that video on Hunter’s laptop? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You are such a clown. Good laugh, but a pedo.

  30. They are at the same place where he stores the lists he promises us everytime. Wonderland. 🤪

  31. List
    Kamala is an evil idiot and willing to destroy the US for power and profit
    Biden was always an idiot and willing to destroy the US for power and profit
    Obama is evil and willing to destroy the US for power and profit
    Hillary was always an evil idiot and willing to destroy the US for power and profit
    Pelosi is evil and willing to destroy the US for power and profit

    There you have your list. Now take your extra chromosome and leave.

  32. So, you are desperate and ran out of lies and stories. We are back at you insulting other users. Pathetic, Bob. Pathetic.

  33. you are welcome to disprove any of those items on the list provided

  34. Disprove? Which items? Your post consists of a conglomeration of insults and slurs, but no arguments. I might disapprove of your posting if that’s what you mean. You clearly lack a proper upbringing.

  35. I have provided no list. I didn’t even respond. You were fooled. Again. I don’t argue with stupid. And believing everything you disagree with came from “Bob” is stupid. I would know. I AM BOB you asshat.

  36. There is medication for that, Bob. Psychology knows what’s wrong with you. A therapist could help you.

  37. “I post as “Anonymous” and I demand that other “Anonymous” posters provide a “list” of some sort, apparently from someone named “Bob” who also posts as “Anonymous””.

  38. We know, Bob. We know. You think you are smart. 😂😂😂

  39. What is not wrong with Bob???

  40. Lairs! I’m Bob! There can be only one.

  41. One idiot to rule them all.

  42. A simpleton could rule this moronic bunch. Like Kamala Harris. Even she would appear brilliant to these Bob deranged half minds.

  43. Kamala now has the great moral compass that is Cardi B. supporting her. I mean with such a fine example for our children, how could she not be Presidential.

  44. Hoes Unite!
    Gotta change the W in WAP though unless your are gonna choose Wide to replace it. How about a C, for Callused? That works! No CAP.

  45. That actually says nothing about Harris. More about you.

  46. Hoe is, as hoe does.

  47. You are a hoe? Ok. 👌

  48. She’s losing biggly. The Demon Crats are panicking.

  49. Rigged election. Putin’s hackers are working hard to steal the election from the democrats.

  50. Nope. She’s just a poor candidate with no substance. Just like Hillary Clinton in 2016 was. The media and all the polls said she had a 95% chance of winning right up to the moment she lost.

  51. And so it was again. Trump is the worlds new Daddy. Stand by for heavy rolls hahahaha

  52. Americas daddy. America is not the world. Just the weirdo uncle.

  53. Oh… but before you were all Trump will destroy the world.. now he’s just a small player. Hahahaha. Your ideology lost and lost big time. Stop whining about it and try to learn from it.

  54. He will destroy a lot of things. But he can’t destroy the world. Except if he hits a certain button in his unstable state. But same as for all nuclear leaders we all hope there is a good guy with the right means nearby. Just in case.

  55. What was all that blather supposed to mean? Sounds like sour grapes. If he had won by a small margin then whining might be appropriate. But he didn’t. He won biggly. Your Ideology failed. And as the Left was saying We’re never going back.

  56. It’s not my fault you are incapable of reading. Try harder if you don’t understand.

  57. Ideology presented and rejected. They liked him better. So what.. you don’t live there. Is it not their country to do with what they please? And who are you to tell 250 million people that they didn’t do it right. Typical narcissistic Leftist.

  58. I heard on TikTok that because Trump was elected, that millions of women are about to die, slavery will be re-instituted and Trump is going to Nuke Antarctica to speed up climate change but only after his new army comes into your house to make you watch his mass executions of anyone with a hint of a Spanish accent or name.
    It’s True! They told me!

  59. Yup just like last time. Elon Musk said Trudeau is next to fall on Twitter. Hope he’s right!

  60. Sounds like a witchhunt.

  61. Sounds like Musk is an unfriendly asset. Canada should see him as a legitimate target for an airstrike.
    It’s not like anyone will miss him. Not Trump nor tech nerds. And neither his wife.

  62. “Canada should see him as a legitimate target for an air strike.” First, Canada is a weak meaningless country that isn’t capable of air strikes on anyone especially inside the US. Second, your calling for the murder of an American citizen. Third, this is why you crazy violent thug nut bags lost an election to Literally Hitler. I’m sure the US FBI will be interested in your threatening post. I’ll make sure they see it.

  63. It’s not murder if he is a military target. I would never call for a cold blooded murder. I’m not one of you.

  64. Does Canada even have a military? I mean a real military. Or a space program or a Navy.. Air force..? I thought the US baby sat that country with the American taxpayers money like everywhere else in NATO.

  65. You are right. Only the U.S. has a real military. All others have a bunch of people in funny uniforms waving sticks.
    That’s why the U.S. lost some wars. Sticks.

  66. Sticks are dangerous, man!

  67. Guy wants to call the FBi. He has had more than one post himself that would have been of interest to the agents. 🤣

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